Peace of Mind, Every Time
How To File A Claim?
How Long Does It Take To Approve A Claim?
Once we have all requested information, the claim will take around 1-2 weeks to process by the insurance carrier.
A replacement will be sent to you. If you no longer want to keep the item after the replacement arrives, please contact our team for a return.
Replacements will not be covered by insurance and signature may be required for delivery.
Claim Requirements
All packaging material and damaged goods must be kept in the original form as received. Packaging and damaged goods should not be disposed of or released to the carrier before a claim is completed as photographs will be required.
Concealed damage allows for the discovery of loss or damage up to 14 days after final delivery. The loss is deemed to have possibly occurred during the insured transit. Discovery of loss or damage occurring 15 days or later after final delivery is deemed to have occurred while the shipment was NOT in transit, and therefore, is not covered. If your item arrives with damage DO NOT ATTEMPT INSTALLATION. Any products that are found to be installed on a vehicle before reporting damages to XGENAUTO will not be covered for damages as the damage cannot be guaranteed to be attributed to shipping damage.
All claims must be submitted to XGENAUTO within 14 days of delivery. If a claim is submitted on the 15th day after delivery it will not be covered.
Regarding Freight Shipments (LTL Carriers): Upon receipt, a BOL (Bill of Lading) will be presented to the customer for sign off. Any and all damages must be notated on this document in order to be claimable for shipping insurance. If damages are not notated on the BOL, they cannot be claimed and will not be covered.
If your package requires signature and signature was successfully gathered by the carrier at the time of delivery you may not submit a claim for lost package as the carrier has verified that your package was delivered directly to a person at your location. Any lost claims submitted for a signed package will be denied.
Any packages that are lost or stolen from your property after marked as delivered are not covered under this insurance agreement. It is the customer's responsibility to provide a secure location to receive deliveries.
*Shipping insurance provided by Shipsurance. Signature may be required for delivery. Replacements are not eligible not be covered by XGENAUTO Shipping Protection Guarantee*
*During Transit refers only to the time of ordering up until time marked as delivered by the carrier *
This program does not provide coverage for the following:
A. Accounts, bills, currency, cash in transit, evidence of debt, checks, money orders, cash on delivery (COD) payments, coins (collectible coins are not excluded), securities and other negotiable papers, tickets, deeds, notes, gift cards, manuscripts, documents, neon items, hazardous material (per UPS Hazardous Materials List), televisions, monitors, screens, perishable cargo or similar property, eggs, any stone or ceramic slabs, automobiles, motorcycles, live animals, flowers, plants, seeds, cigarettes/cigars, cotton, tobacco, windows, plate glass, stained glass, and float glass.
Additionally, collectible coins, comic books, sports cards and similar that are being shipped to be graded and have their value established are excluded. Collectible coins, comic books, sports cards, and similar are not excluded if they have already been graded and have their value established or if they were sold under a paid, Recent Invoice or have a Recent Appraisal.
B. Shipments sent to Afghanistan, Angola, Bolivia, Burma, Congo, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire), Liberia, Nigeria, North Korea, Paraguay, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Venezuela. Any location that would be in violation of any U.S. economic or trade sanctions including OFAC Restricted Countries. For shipments to Russian and other Commonwealth of Independent States countries (includes Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan) coverage ceases upon touchdown of the aircraft at the airport of destination or upon discharge from the overseas vessel at the destination discharge port.
C. A package that requires a signature confirmation or signature required service that are not sent using the required signature service are excluded from coverage.
D. Loss, damage, shortage, or non-arrival of any package and its contents which is addressed incorrectly or packed insufficiently to withstand the normal rigors of transit.
E. Merchandise shipped on consignment, memorandum, or approval unless shipped in fulfillment of an order. Shipments of gifts are not excluded, provided they have a pre-shipment Recent Invoice or Recent Appraisal.
F. Merchandise shipped as part of a barter or trade transaction with no monetary exchange.
G. Loss, damage, shortage, or non-arrival of any package and the contents when it is obtained by trick, false pretense, or other fraudulent schemes.
H. Loss, damage, shortage arising out of loss of market, delay, loss of use, clean-up costs, decay, inherent vice, or other deterioration, any remote or consequential loss, whether or not arising out of a peril insured against or changes in temperature or humidity.
I. War Exclusion, Atomic and Nuclear Exclusion:
In no case shall this program cover loss damage or expense caused by:
War, civil war, revolution, rebellion, insurrection, or civil strife arising from, or any hostile act by or against a belligerent power;
Capture, seizure, arrest, restraint or detainment (piracy excepted), and the consequences of or any attempt of;
Derelict mines, torpedoes, bombs, or other derelict weapons of war. In no case shall this program cover loss damage or expense arising from the use of any weapon of war employing atomic or nuclear fission, fusion or other like reaction or radioactive force or matter.
J. Mechanical and Electrical Derangement or Mechanical Breakdown - Loss of or damage due to mechanical, electrical, electronic derangement or refrigerated breakdown unless there is evidence of external damage to the package or its packaging. Data files and installed computer programs are not covered for erasure, corruption, or loss.
K. American Institute of Marine Underwriters Extended Radioactive Contamination Exclusion clause.
L. American Institute of Marine Underwriters Chemical, Biological, Bio-Chemical, Electromagnetic, and Cyber Weapons Exclusion clause.
M. Shipments involving illegal or controlled substances are excluded from coverage.
N. Pollution
This program does not apply to any damage, expense, cost, loss, liability or legal obligation arising out of or in any way related to pollution, however caused. Pollution includes the actual, alleged or potential presence in or introduction into the environment of any substance if such substance has or is alleged to have, the effect of making the environment impure, harmful, or dangerous. Environment includes any air, land, structure or the air therein, watercourse or water, including underground water. We will have no duty to defend any suit arising out of or in any way related to pollution.
O. Shipments sent through owned, leased or rented vehicles that are not commercial businesses.
P. Sanction Limitation and Exclusion Clause
No (re)insurer shall be required to provide cover and no (re)insurer shall be liable to pay any claim, provide any benefit or pay any other amount to the extent that the provision of all or any part of such cover, payment of such claim , benefit or other amount by the (re)insurer would cause that (re)insurer to breach any sanction, embargo rule, law, regulation, prohibition or restriction imposed by the United Nations Security Council, or any trade, embargo or economic sanctions laws or regulations of the European Union, the United Kingdom or United states of America.